Saturday, September 22, 2007

Calgary Cycle DH Team Whistler Review

After the Nationals at Mount Washington, the whole team was on their way to Whistler BC, for the Kokanee Crankworx Festival. The first race on the list was the 4X Race which happened to be in the pouring rain, but despite the grim weather the course held up very well and was a blast to rip down. There were a couple muddy spots, but for the most part it was fast, tacky, and tons of fun.

Glen Bradley -

After the 4X the next race was the Garbanzo DH. The rain was continuing to come down hard and beat the course relentlessly, making for an extremely slippery and muddy race. Many riders dropped out of the race because of the dangerous conditions and all of those who were racing were scared for their safety to say the least. In the end the race turned out to be a great success, and one by one the muddy and soaked racers came down the hill and across the finish line.

Robert McPhalen -

Geoff Briggs -

For the Jim Beam Air DH a few days later the weather was finally staring to look up. The hill had begun to dry out and the sun was peaking out of the clouds making the riding in on the hill even more of an amazing experience. By the time of the race the course had been groomed and was very tacky and smooth. Times were fast and the race laps were nothing less than perfect.

Jesse McCrae -

Robert McPhalen -

Geoff Briggs -

Nick Quinn -

To break up the races a little there was the "Slope Style" event. The course wasn't in as good condition or put together as well as other years and resulted in a lot more injuries and crashes, but all in all it was still a lot of fun to throw down on.

Glen Bradley -

The last race and competition at Whistler this year was the Canadian Open DH Race. The course was very similar to other years but with some new extremely techy and rooty steeps in the trees. The weather was great for the race and was one of the best courses many of us had riden. It had a variety of terrain including, fast open sections, gnarly rock and root sections and some good old flat pedalling portions to.

Geoff Briggs -

Robert McPhalen -

Jesse McCrae -

Glen Bradley -

Whistler this year was once again great to our team! We all came home with a few battle wounds and smiles all around. We'll be back next season for some more amazing riding at Whistler!

Glen Bradley,

"Let'er Buck"

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Dirt Jumping On The Prairies

Today a bunch of my friends and I headed out to my buddie Sam's farm where we have been building jumps for the past little while. After a little buffing and packing of everything we started to hit it up and I must say out of all of the jumps I have ever riden these were some of the funnest. They incorporated steep lips and landings that required you to boost high and pump to get enough speed for the next hit like bmx jumps, but at the same time they had enough room to rock it on the mountain bike.

We all had a blast just riding the jumps let alone trying tricks on them. They were the type of jumps you could ride all day long not throwing one trick and still be having the time of your life. As the session progressed we did start doing some tricks, but mainly small ones that we all felt comfortable with as the jumps were already difficult enough to ride.

After riding these jumps in excess of six hours we were all tired and decided to call it quits. Can't wait to go back to Sam's farm to ride and build come new stuff in the near future!

Glen Bradley,

Let'er Buck