Monday, August 29, 2011

Race Wrap-Up!

'Tis the end of the race season, for me at least, and there have been three since my last blog I need to update you on!

Canada/BC Cup - July 30 & 31
Panorama, BC

I was very excited for this race because I knew it was going to be low key compared to Nationals the weekend before, and because I was a lot more familiar with Quadzilla.

For a change it had been dry all week there so it was a very loose course - a condition I was not used to. So it was a nice change, but one I had to adjust to fast. Some of the corners took me out a few times forgetting that my tires didn't have much to grab onto. For me the course felt pretty long, maybe it was because of my pace and stamina, but I was tired after about 4 training runs. Even though I only got in 5 runs that day, I was pretty confident about racing the next day with nothing left to work on. There wasn't anything super challenging about the course, the only real tough section was the rock garden, but I had seen it the weekend before and had my lines picked already.

On race day I felt ready and did one practice run to get warmed up and to preserve energy. During my race I felt okay, a little slower than I would have liked but my time was a whole minute faster than my time at Nationals so I was super happy about that and got 4th place. I was also excited to only be 30 seconds behind Lindsey, who I've been trying to catch up to since the first few races.

NOS Gravity BikeFest - August 20 & 21
Fernie, BC

This race was just for fun, with the Hinton race being cancelled, I had the weekend free and what better way to spend it? They did a great job at keeping the people entertained with multiple events to watch: trials, dirt jumps, Enduro DH and a Classic DH.

While only participating in the Classic DH, I spent most of my afternoon learning the race course which was on Hollow Tree. It was such a fun course, so easy to go fast with it being wide and not a lot of corners. Very rooty though so my arms got a good work out by the end of the day. Feeling good I quit at 5 PM and went for dinner before heading down to the dirt jumps to watch the trick contest. Those guys put on quite a show, I am still so amazed at what they can do on bikes!

Sunday was lots fun, no pressure for me though, I was the only one in my class. I was still determined to go as fast as I could and got to take home some sweet money and prizes. It was also good to see all my friends do so well that weekend, Luke Stevens set the course record for both Enduro and Classic DH.

Alberta DH Provincials - Auguat 27 & 28
Canyon Ski Resort, Red Deer, Alberta

What a good weekend it was! Calgary Cycle did amazing with all 4 riders there making podium!

I was really impressed with the course in Red Deer, I wasn't expecting much, but they have great terrain to work with. I'd definitely go back if they could develop more biking terrain in the future. The course had a little bit of everything: a few steeps, stunts, tight trees, sprints and technical spots. It posed a few challenges at first but after the first few runs, my focus was to get smoother and faster.

Race day didn't have the best start, during training I was making mistakes where I wasn't the day before which made me a little nervous for my race run. I tried to forget about my runs that morning and focus on the ones the day before when I was smoother and more confident. It payed off, even though I still had a few troubles in my race run. My pedaling made all the difference and put me one second faster than Lindsey for first place. I couldn't believe I had actually caught up to her, and she was so happy for me as well. Jeremy, Rick and Daniel all made podium which made for a great showing for CC.

I've accomplished so much this summer, it's hard for me to believe. I have reached every goal I set for myself and much more. I have to give thanks to everyone who was patient with me and giving me endless tips that made me improve as much as I have. Summer is not over yet so I am planning on doing some more riding but I am sad to see the race season end. But I could not be more excited for next year! Also a BIG thanks to Calgary Cycle for all the support and help this summer too, it was a blast!

- Kristine

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Grand Prairie & Panorama

Things have gotten busy lately so I have an update on the last two races:

Race to the River - July 1-3
Nike Hawk, Grand Prairie, AB.

This was the first race in the Alberta Cup series and even though it was the furthest away, it was lots of fun. After an early rise and a 7.5 hour car ride, my dad and I got there at about 2 p.m. Friday afternoon and we jumped on our bikes right away. The race was on "Black Run" and I have to admit it is one of the easier blacks I've seen. It was not super technical and had a great flow to it with the bottom half full of switchbacks and berms. With three runs under my belt that evening I was super comfortable and had all my lines picked out, so we ended the day by checking out two other blue trails and called it quits.

Saturday morning was all about tweaking my performance by increasing my speed, memorizing the trail and working on where to pedal and brake. By the end of the day I was full of confidence and could not have been more prepared to race the next day. I had everything dialed and was happy with my pace by the last run. All I had to do now was get a good sleep.

I felt great when I woke up Sunday morning, I had a good sleep, and was about to grab a bowl of cereal, when I noticed the wet pavement in the parking lot. Hoping it hadn't rained much, we pulled into the Nite Hawk parking lot and got ready. As we rode up to the run, there was a line of riders because people were crashing right after the start gate. Poor track conditions resulted in practice being pushed back while safety patrol checked over the course again. That was when I knew it rained a lot more than I thought. I talked to Cody as he was coming back from finishing a practice run and he said it was worse than when it rained at the Child Find race at Moose Mountain a few weekends before. By now my confidence was shot and the nerves were creeping back up in my stomach. I rode a cautious race and my goal was once again just to finish. I made it down and happily took second place.

Canadian DH Championships - July 22-24
Panorama, BC.

With it being my first year at nationals I didn't really have any expectations going in, but figured it'd be the toughest course I'd see all summer. Having ridden "Insanity" once the summer before, I had a slight idea what it was like but had forgotten almost all of it, especially the "Cliffs of Insanity". Rolling up to that for the first time was a bit nerve racking.

Friday was mostly a waste due to getting there late and the course being completely drenched. I got one run in, but at least I got to see it again. I skipped the cliffs Friday since they were super wet and slippery and left them for Saturday when it was supposed to be drier.

And thank goodness it was drier Saturday morning! I was starting to get pretty tired of every race being a mud bowl. With only getting three runs in, I wasn't super confident. I knew I had a few trouble spots to work on, cliffs included, and looking back now I should have squeezed another training run in. It wasn't the best training I've done and regret it a bit. I was definitely a day behind, I was learning the run on Saturday when I should have done that Friday. And final tweaking was left till practice Sunday morning. I landed third place, and it was bitter sweet. I was stoked on finishing the race and my improvement over the two days, but I know my time could have been better. Lesson learned: What you put in, is what you get out. This weekend when I'm back in Panorama for BC Cup, I am determined to give it all I got.

- Kristine

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Dark Side

Just put clips on my downhill bike for the first time since Race the Ranch in Kamloops. Although it feels like I am cheating on my girlfriend or joining the dark side of the force; with the recent success of riders in the WC all on clips; not to mention a significant number of traditionally flat pedal riders switching to clips i figured it might as well be worth a go. More on this after i do a few more rides but some evening COP laps went pretty well actually...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rain, rain and more rain.

Not that I need to say it, but Calgary weather has been the least bit cooperative lately with rain almost every day. It's been difficult to get much riding in at all but I have managed to get a few days in within the last two weeks.

Last Monday, Dan and I went out to Moose Mountain. It was my first time riding there and I was glad to have an experienced guide with me. First we rode T-Dub so I could get a taste of it before the Child Find race. After we did two more runs, one on Toothless, and the other on Jean-Guy. After seeing T-Dub for the first time, I was a little nervous about what I was getting myself into with it being such a technical course. But Dan reassured me that after a few more runs on the course I'd have it dialed.

The following Thursday Dan, Evan, and I plus a few of their friends went back up to Moose for some practice runs and stuck to T-Dub. I was much more confident that day and my speed was improving. Though I was making progress, I was still looking forward to getting a few more runs in on Saturday after work. But of course it torrential down-poured and the course was closed due to it being too wet out.

Sunday was race day and conditions were not much improved but they allowed the racing to commence. "Brown butter" was a term used to describe the conditions, and I'd say it was pretty darn accurate. It was so greasy my goal for day was just to finish the race without crashing. Lines didn't even matter as you couldn't stick to them if you tried. For my first race of the season and the given conditions, I'd say I am pretty happy with the result. I was doing pretty well and was happy with my pace till about half way down and my arms started giving into fatigue and I crashed about three times within 20 feet. I knew my time was ruined but was still determined to get down and I finished in third place.

I am eager to get back out and ride and hopefully the weather will allow that to happen. I am also looking forward to improving my riding by getting out with Dan and Evan some more.

- Kristine

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Great Start!

Christmas came early this year when I went to pick up my new Session 88 last Saturday, and boy was Santa good to me! This bike is too sweet, and quite a step up from my VP-Free. Stu did a bike set-up with me and told my dad not to adjust the settings until I get a few rides on the bike.

As soon as I got my bike home I just could not wait to take it out and decided to take a ride up to Nose Hill. Clearly I am not in as good as shape as I thought I was, just getting there was exhausting. So I stopped off at a friends house near by to show off the new ride, leaving Nose Hill for another day.

Thankfully the weather was on my side for the most part this weekend and Sunday afternoon I headed out to COP for a few hours to get a taste of the new bike. First run was slow, which was disappointing to me. I didn't feel confident anymore, the bike was foreign. But as the day progressed, and run after run I learnt the new ways of my bike. By the end of the day, my speed had increased dramatically and I was getting my confidence back. I also figured out that 31 inch bars are a little too wide for me so that evening my dad cut half an inch off each side and I am waiting to try the new length out.

All in all it was a great start to the season. Got a handle of the new ride and a solid day of training in. Thursday I plan to face Nose Hill once again with a few friends and plan on being back at COP as soon as the weather lets up. This season is going to be on of the best ones yet and can not wait for what lies ahead!

- Kristine