Thursday, July 5, 2007

Calgary Cycle Team Canmore Sesh

Wednesday evening Robert, Jesse and I headed up to Canmore with our small bikes in search for some good jumping. We had all heard good things about the new jump park up at the Nordic Center and a cool step up in town.

We ended up rolling into town around 8:00pm with the temperature still scorching hot. Our first stop was the step up which turned out to be a little smaller and run down than what we had originally thought, but with a little buffing it was good to go. Robert, who had been there before, was basically our tour guide and guinea pig for the evening. He landed a 360 or two and some awesome whips off the step up with Jesse and I not far behind him, to spin a few ourselves.

Next stop was the Nordic Center. Having not been there before or really heard anything about it we had no clue what to expect. The jumps turned out to be a blast and were built extremely well. They were very smooth and were hard as rock. Not long into the session all off us were hitting transfer lines and starting to trick the jumps.

All in all our trip to Canmore was a success. We had a blast and all three of us walked away with smiles on our faces.

Let'er Buck

Glen Bradley

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