Friday, August 31, 2007


This picture caught my eye this morning. (Browsing Why you ask? the bright blue, the clarity? Nope and Nope. It's the commitment the rider is showing here. Cranks down, Knees tucked in as if he's railin' a berm...but wait, it's an off camber flat corner.
I dream of cornering like this...not because of the fear of failure, but simply for the joy of feeling calm going that fast over something SO difficult to execute. I had one of these on Saturday. Calm, Cool knees tucked in weight back and low and the bike just bounced back and forth between drift and corner, drift and corner. As DH racer's we see the likes of the World Cup racers floating their bike over the terrain insuch calm and cool manors. Learning to execute techniques like this, something I've never really understood is so rewarding!! Now...consistency is the next step...doing it ever single time, over and over and over other words, consistency to commit.

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