Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Race the Ranch - Team bound for Kamloops & other random information.

Hey everyone!

Is thing on?...Check 1, Check 2...ok were good!

Well 2008 here in Calgary has been a bizarre one in the weather department. It's May 13th and we still aren't riding anything locally. Sad...but it is certainly helping to build the excitement for the up and coming race season. "the stoke is high with this one".

This weekend is the first round of races the CC Team will be attending. The Kamloops Bike Ranch will play host to the event. It should be a fun and exciting one, both to try the new course that has been built, but also to test out our new 2008 V10's. (I'll post pictures soon)

If you see the trailer or any our team guys, stop by and say Hi !!!

Let er' slide!


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