Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Injury Update- Tyler Paksi

After crashing in practice runs at the Alberta Championship race in Blairmore, where I tore almost every ligament in my hand, Ive been on a long road to recovery to try and heal before the Canada Cup finals in Kamloops.
I was off work for 3 weeks, and I was doing anything I could to speed the process. In my time off I set my journeys off to Whistler to watch some
crankworx and support the team a little. Never did I imagine how difficult
it would be to have no bike in whistler. Watching all the racers coming down one after another killed me inside, and it pushed me to get my hand back on track even faster. It seemed like it was coming along well, and would be very close to being healed before race day. Every day was getting me a little more movement in my hand and a little more strength.
Unfortunately, by the time the race weekend came around, I still had minimal grip strength in my left hand and have no way of holding onto my bike or reaching my brake. I want to wish good luck to the Calgary Cycle racers racing on Sunday in the Canada Cup, and would like to thank Calgary Cycle and our sponsors for the season I had. I am looking forward to next season where I'll be pushing myself harder than ever.

Tyler Paksi
Calgary Cycle DH Race Team

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We're Provincial Champs!

Luke Stevens took the win and the Provincial Title in the U-17 Category this past weekend in Blairmore, AB with Cody Ratte in a close second place. Luke also took the overall fastest time of the weekend with a 2:50.70. Congratulations to both CC racers!

A big shout out also goes out to the rest of the Ratte clan- with dad Richard taking 1st place in the Master Expert Category and the littlest Ratte, Logan taking 1st in the U-13 category!

Friday, July 24, 2009

My Trip to Nationals in Massif Du Sud, Quebec

This was my first ever National event that I have taken part in, and I felt very honored to have been asked to represent Team Alberta. When we arrived in Quebec, I stayed with my Grandma at her house, which is right in Quebec City. Knowing that Mont-Sainte-Anne was pretty much right around the corner, that’s where my Dad and I headed. The weather was holding up for us, and the sun was shining, so up the chairlift we went. Right away we looked for the “World Cup” course, and found it, but unfortunately it was closed due to the World Cup being held during the next week.

We found a different course called “La 1837”, so we decided to give that one a try. It’s a double black run full of mossy rocks and tight 90 degree corners. There were a few steeps with slippery roots growing all over them which made it pretty tough to stay on course. The entire run from top to bottom was about 4 to 5 minutes in length. When we got about ¾ of the way down, we met a rider who had fallen and broke his ankle. We helped him get his bike through the rock garden, and he managed to get to the bottom himself.

After a day at Mont-Sainte-Anne, we headed to Massif Du Sud for Nationals. We arrived on Thursday, and went directly to the hill to walk the course. Thursday was warm and sunny, and that was about the only day where the weather was decent. As we made our way up the hill, we realized that this wasn’t your typical Quebec style course. There were a lot of slippery root sections, and not many rocks, and it was proving to be a course very fun to ride. On my way down, I managed to slip and fall, and ended up dislocating my shoulder. Unsure what to do next, I popped it right back in, and it was a bit sore for the next few days, but nothing very serious.
We checked into our B&B and had a great night’s sleep, and got up early the next morning and headed to the hill. The weather took a turn, and it rained on and off all day. The course was turning into sludge, with all the rain. We took it relatively easy for the rest of practice, and went to rest up. Sunday was here, and it was race day. As I made my way up to the start gate, it was foggy, and you couldn’t see anything. The rain started, and you knew it was going to be slick. My race run was great for the most part – considering I had to come to a stop twice, in order to pass two riders in front of me. I got to the bottom with a clean run, and just had to put the rest of it out of my mind, as there’s nothing you could do about it at that point. I ended up placing 5th in Under 17 (Cadet). I had a great experience at Nationals, and got to ride some world class trails, and met some fantastic people. If any of you get the opportunity to ride in Quebec - take it!!
PS – Congratulations to my Dad for finishing in 2nd place in Masters Expert!!

Cody Ratte
Calgary Cycle DH Race Team

Calgary Cycle brings home 2 podium spots at Nationals!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Race Team Truck and Trailer get P-I-M-P-E-D out!!

The CC Race Team Truck and Trailer got a face lift just in time for the Western Cup out in BC last weekend. The Team will continue to roll in style... watch for us out at the races- come by and say hello!

Western Cup #1

The final weekend of Stampeding in Calgary brought a different kind excitment to racers and fans alike in Golden BC. The first annual Western Cup, a battle of the best of British Columbia and Alberta took place at Kicking Horse resort. This is the first race of its type where an individual province will be crowned the fastest.

Racing down classic kicking horse trails, including pioneer and Blaster, Racers were challenged with every type of terrain the resort had to offer. Ranging from long rock slabs, tight technical sections, and highspeed brakeless sprint sections, this trail had it all, keeping everybody on there toes pushing to make it to the bottom with the fastest time of the day. Riders had nothing but bright eyes and ear to ear grins as they worked across the finish.

With last years Psychosis being the final race down Mt. 7, Western Canada needed a new unique event to add to the calendar. The Alberta Downhill Racing Association came forward with the idea of creating an event that tabulated the results of the provinces and crowning the winning province with a very cool looking trophy made from old brake rotors. This year, with the majority of the riders coming out from Alberta, the trophy is going to make Alberta its home until next year. This doesn’t mean the BC riders were holding back. Local Golden ripper 16 year old Riley Suhan took home the fastest time of the day with a 3:40, beating out the rest of the junior expert field by 12 seconds. Luke Stevens and Cody Ratte of Calgary Cycle rounded out the podium, all of them taking home a cash prize for some of the quicker times for the day. In the Elite field, top honours went to Fernie’s own Luke Nelson, closely followed by Bryson Racing Clans Jeff Bryson and Nick Quinn. All of the riders went home with a ton of money and prizes all brought together by the big sponsors of the race, including Calgary Cycle, Louis Garneau, Devinci bikes, and Kicking Horse Ford. Big thanks to you all for helping out.

Next weekend has 2 big races coming up. Racers have the option of travelling east for the national Championships in Massif Du Sud, in Quebec or for a more local excursion, the 3rd alberta cup race of 2009 is set for Rabbit Hill in Edmonton on a brand new course from last year. Best of luck to our Calgary Cycle and Alberta provincial team riders Luke Stevens and Cody Ratte, who are both headed to Quebec to try and take home the national championship title.

Big thanks to ADHRA, and Kicking Horse resort for putting together a flawless race. It’s the first Western Cup, but everybody is looking forward to a bigger and better future, with more and more racers next year. Thanks to Calgary Cycle and other sponsors for helping bring it all together.

See ya on the race course,

Tyler Paksi
Calgary Cycle DH Race Team


photo credits to Stephen Exley

Luke Stevens and Cody Ratte – two of our junior riders have been asked to represent our Province, and race at the National Cycling Championships being held this weekend in Massif du Sud, Quebec. They both will be racing in the U-17 (Cadet) category, and we all wish them both the best of luck!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Swansea Riding

As May saw its share of sunshine and cool nights, I think it’s one of the best months to get out and ride. So, that’s what I did. I had never been riding out to Swansea before, so decided to make a day trip out there and check things out. I never know what to expect, but I think Swansea had a little bit of everything to suit every different rider, and every different level of rider.
I rode everything from road gaps, to shorter portions of single track, as well as long and steep portions. Everything was in pretty good shape. Really, I think there were hundreds of trails; you just have to know where to find them. I was surprised by how many hidden trails there were. We met up with a bunch of fellow riders and friends we know, and spent the day riding and having a great time. If you have the opportunity to get out there and experience the trails out there; I’d say “do it”.
Cody Ratte
Calgary Cycle DH Race Team

2009 Bromont Canada Cup #2- Video footage

Check it out on Pink Bike...
