Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Swansea Riding

As May saw its share of sunshine and cool nights, I think it’s one of the best months to get out and ride. So, that’s what I did. I had never been riding out to Swansea before, so decided to make a day trip out there and check things out. I never know what to expect, but I think Swansea had a little bit of everything to suit every different rider, and every different level of rider.
I rode everything from road gaps, to shorter portions of single track, as well as long and steep portions. Everything was in pretty good shape. Really, I think there were hundreds of trails; you just have to know where to find them. I was surprised by how many hidden trails there were. We met up with a bunch of fellow riders and friends we know, and spent the day riding and having a great time. If you have the opportunity to get out there and experience the trails out there; I’d say “do it”.
Cody Ratte
Calgary Cycle DH Race Team

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