Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Great Start!

Christmas came early this year when I went to pick up my new Session 88 last Saturday, and boy was Santa good to me! This bike is too sweet, and quite a step up from my VP-Free. Stu did a bike set-up with me and told my dad not to adjust the settings until I get a few rides on the bike.

As soon as I got my bike home I just could not wait to take it out and decided to take a ride up to Nose Hill. Clearly I am not in as good as shape as I thought I was, just getting there was exhausting. So I stopped off at a friends house near by to show off the new ride, leaving Nose Hill for another day.

Thankfully the weather was on my side for the most part this weekend and Sunday afternoon I headed out to COP for a few hours to get a taste of the new bike. First run was slow, which was disappointing to me. I didn't feel confident anymore, the bike was foreign. But as the day progressed, and run after run I learnt the new ways of my bike. By the end of the day, my speed had increased dramatically and I was getting my confidence back. I also figured out that 31 inch bars are a little too wide for me so that evening my dad cut half an inch off each side and I am waiting to try the new length out.

All in all it was a great start to the season. Got a handle of the new ride and a solid day of training in. Thursday I plan to face Nose Hill once again with a few friends and plan on being back at COP as soon as the weather lets up. This season is going to be on of the best ones yet and can not wait for what lies ahead!

- Kristine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds good! where do i sign up? I would love to DH race on a team.