Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rain, rain and more rain.

Not that I need to say it, but Calgary weather has been the least bit cooperative lately with rain almost every day. It's been difficult to get much riding in at all but I have managed to get a few days in within the last two weeks.

Last Monday, Dan and I went out to Moose Mountain. It was my first time riding there and I was glad to have an experienced guide with me. First we rode T-Dub so I could get a taste of it before the Child Find race. After we did two more runs, one on Toothless, and the other on Jean-Guy. After seeing T-Dub for the first time, I was a little nervous about what I was getting myself into with it being such a technical course. But Dan reassured me that after a few more runs on the course I'd have it dialed.

The following Thursday Dan, Evan, and I plus a few of their friends went back up to Moose for some practice runs and stuck to T-Dub. I was much more confident that day and my speed was improving. Though I was making progress, I was still looking forward to getting a few more runs in on Saturday after work. But of course it torrential down-poured and the course was closed due to it being too wet out.

Sunday was race day and conditions were not much improved but they allowed the racing to commence. "Brown butter" was a term used to describe the conditions, and I'd say it was pretty darn accurate. It was so greasy my goal for day was just to finish the race without crashing. Lines didn't even matter as you couldn't stick to them if you tried. For my first race of the season and the given conditions, I'd say I am pretty happy with the result. I was doing pretty well and was happy with my pace till about half way down and my arms started giving into fatigue and I crashed about three times within 20 feet. I knew my time was ruined but was still determined to get down and I finished in third place.

I am eager to get back out and ride and hopefully the weather will allow that to happen. I am also looking forward to improving my riding by getting out with Dan and Evan some more.

- Kristine

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