Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Last night me and my dad went ot ride cop for the first time this season. later we met up with justin willoughby for some more fun. its good to be back on the local hill and nice to have good riding in the city. the trails are still somewhat the same but some new changes have made them much better and more fun to ride. the trails in the trees have had new entrances made other than that they have stayed the same. the current downhill course is alot differn't, changes were made due to snow from the terrain park still in the way of the old trail. the trail is mostly the same until you hit the trees on monkey suits. talking to jari (trail guy) i guess the course is gonna be re routed to the left of dropping in and won't be going down adrenaline like it currently is.

i'm headin back out with justin tonight, so if your free come ride!!

Robert McPhalen

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