Thursday, June 14, 2007

Shooting with PowerBar USA.

This happened awhile back, but I thought I'd share the story with ya!
PowerBar USA was looking for athletes to shoot a national campaign in the US for advertisements for their 1-2-3 system. They were looking for a male "Mountain biker", a female "Mountain biker", some roadies, some tri-athletes etc etc. Lucky me was selected through the connection I have via my lovely girl-friend Elise. Long story short, I got to be a model.
It was a pretty interesting day for me. Having to put on make-up, put on different outfits courtesy of Oakley & Dakine and re-riding up hill sections, downhill section and just interesting sections of really easy trails. I thought to myself, I don't know how the heck they are going to get anything descend out this terrain, but man I was wrong. Here is a "proof" I got from the photographer Jason Stang. Damn is all I gotta say. I believe the term, "something from nothing" comes to mind. Pretty amazing what a few flashes and some photoshop work can net you.

Who knows if these or some of the other images from the day are going to be used?

But it was a fun experience, one I need to get more "gig's" like that.

Images courtesy of Jason Stang Photography.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.