Thursday, June 28, 2007

Panorama Mad Trapper BC Cup

Last weekend, June 23-24, the Calgary Cycle Team and many others made their way up to Panorama Resort for the Mad Trapper BC Cup. This year was a bit different as they had completely changed their course from years before. We were all a bit skeptical going into the new course, but once we started riding there was nothing but smiles. The course had some really fun treed sections that were amazing to pump through and ended with a very fast section cutting onto the old 4X course from last season.

All in all it was a great weekend. We got to ride some of their new trails, rip it on the DH course, and Geoff Briggs ended up taking the win in the Junior Men’s category (see photo above).

Can’t wait to ride there next season, who knows what they will have in store for us!?

Here are a couple snaps from the weekend ...

Robert & Quasar

Me on the course

Glen Bradley

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